30 Random Scientists
Scientists were selected at random from authors who had
published at least 10 articles in the Web of Science database from 1991
to 2011 matching the search terms 'global climate change' or 'global
warming', that were categorised as 'Methods' research (Cook et al 2013).
AR RAVISHANKARA <A.R.Ravishankara@noaa.gov>
Y Li <tcliyi@inet.polyu.edu.hk>
A. Townsend Peterson <town@ku.edu>
DJ Wuebbles <wuebbles@atmos.uiuc.edu>
MZ Jacobson <jacobson@stanford.edu>
John Harte <jharte@berkeley.edu>
B Wang <wangbin@hawaii.edu>
F Giorgi <giorgi@ictp.it>
TML WIGLEY <wigley@ucar.edu>
E Roeckner <erich.roeckner@zmaw.de>
Nils Chr Stenseth <n.c.stenseth@bio.uio.no>
Tom L Delworth <tom.delworth@noaa.gov>
PM Cox <P.M.Cox@exeter.ac.uk>
H Pathak <hpathak@cgiar.org>
NJ Mason <n.j.mason@open.ac.uk>
A Kitoh <kitoh@mri-jma.go.jp>
WM WASHINGTON <wmw@ucar.edu>
GK Plattner <gian-kasper.plattner@env.ethz.ch>
Arvin R MOSIER <amosier@lamar.colostate.edu>
GA Vecchi <gabriel.a.vecchi@noaa.gov>
C Huntingford <chg@ceh.ac.uk>
Eric S Post <esp10@psu.edu>
Fortunat Joos <joos@climate.unibe.ch>
Carolien KROEZE <carolien.kroeze@wur.nl>
G Myhre <gunnar.myhre@geo.uio.no>
YQ Luo <yluo@ou.edu>
Mike Hulme <m.hulme@uea.ac.uk>
C Chou <chiachou@rcec.sinica.edu.tw>
Jinwon Kim <jkim@atmos.ucla.edu>
T Matsui <tematsui@affrc.go.jp>